A petrol station somewhere in the nowhere on our tour to the red cliffs. Around 300km south of Ulaan Bataar.
A toilet as it is usual in Mongolia without Ulaan Bataar. There is just a wooden or metal hut on a big hole. Yeah and in this hole you ... in.
Sometimes they are using old newspaper or books as toilet paper. So everything is far away from what Jo likes to do on a German toilet. No toilet bowl, no heating, no coffee, no newspaper, nothing!!!!
The first camels we saw...
Here you can see the housemother together with her little daughter. The snickers we gave to her was a big, big variation towards her normal sweets.
View out of the ger. By the way: Every nomadic family has a dog. But normally they throw every day some stones at the dog to educate him.
They don´t have a fridge... So the meat is just lying on the ground covered with some rag. We got some meat for our soup. It was delicious!
All together outside of the ger. The solar panel and the TV is also for nomadic families a quite usual thing. In this ger we got the only information what was happening in the world: Bavaria Munich won in the Champions League 2:1 and Schweinsteiger made two goals. Jo was happy.
We visited also the water hole of the family... The waterhole was three kilometers away from the ger. The river that was there once has disappeared due to climatic change. Mongolia really has to suffer under climatic change!
The waterhole part II
Someone was really hungry... Poor camels. We made this picture during our walk through a part of the red cliffs area. More impressions just on the next pics...
Jo was also hungry!
If Mongolians don´t have any fire wood they just collect horse and camel shit. Its working very good.
Warum eigentlich nicht? Stell dir vor ein paar Leute stehen vor deiner Tür und du lässt sie zum Kochen rein, lädst sie auch noch auf nen Kaffe ein und hörst dir ihre Geschichte an. Ich finde wir sollten das auch in Europa einführen, es kann eigentlich nur lustig und spannend werden. Lassen wir nun mal das ganze Misstrauen, das uns innewohnt beiseite. Also ich bin dabei...