Friday, January 21, 2011

Better late than never - Our work at Wydgee Homestead

At the beginning some facts:
- Wydgee homestead is a farm 90kms south of Mt. Magnet
- name of the farmer: Bill Moses
- Bill leases from the state of Western Australia 140000ha land (that is true)
- Bill has to take care of 42 windmills that pump up the water for the animals and also the humans
- Mt. Magnet is the nearest town or better village (round about half  the size of Weißenbrunn)
- no mobilephone reception
- internet only for the farmer
- electricity is only available from the generator
- Bill grows on his farm: Rockmelons, watermelons, apricots, oranges, peaches and plums
- Bill is 56 and his third wife Kate is nearly have his age
- our average weekly working time: 52hours, seven days a week

And now the pictures of the homestead:
In this house was the living room and the kitchen for the backpackers... The house was like the rest of the whole farm totally fucked!!! It was destroyed by a wheely-wheely (an Australian tornado) one year ago and never rebuild.

The windmill that pumped up our water. In the foreground a lemon tree.

The chaotic workshop of Bill...

A very nice Mercedes truck... I think it was used the last time ten years ago...

A goanna! A kind of big lizard. In one of the next posts there will be a "hunting" story.

Eva´s best friend! The aggressive mutton! Eva was attacked by one of those. The end was a blue spot on her thigh.

Behind the homestead was the so called "rubbish tib"! There you can find everything! Cars, millions of cans and bottles, poison barrels and used oil barrels.

This was Bill´s and Kate´s house.

The vegetation in the bush and around the homestead.

The sign at the Great Northern Highway...

After the work was done we went by hitchhiking to Mt. Magnet and had some hours in the swimming pool in Mt. Magnet

A underwater camera is really a big fun...





  1. I don`t believe it! This is almost a miacle! The blog is going on!They are alife: pictures from the two Himmelhunde! - How can one farmer manage 140000 ha? I think you had have bad weeks and hard work! - And now I want to see Bali - and Australien beaches! - Kisses to downunder :)

  2. Schön wieder was von euch zu lesen... der Stammtisch vermisst euch schon. Gestern gabs übrigens pikante Käsetorte - unglaublich aber wahr. Ansonsten hatten wir genug Schnee und Wasser in den letzten Monaten und es scheint so weiter zu gehen... dann viel Spaß beim Kürbisweitwurf, oder was auch immer ihr jetzt machen werdet


  3. Great to hear news from you again! We hope, the terribe storm and flood in Australia did not reach you! Last week our little daughter Sophie was born, she's really great! And we have a new car too after a dopey woman crashed in our old one. Unfortunately we got only 2WD, but by the way: Where are the pictures of your long-desired 4WD?

  4. wet t shirts and very dangerous animals. Its getting better than f--king TV Jo. Be happy and stay clean. Craig
